2010年10月10日 星期日

How to lose weight | local programs to combat childhood obesity


The program is called COMPASS, which means comprehensive maintenance program to achieve success. "We have very efficient methods to help parents and their children to lose weight. It is a bit" on the ground is less certain how to help people continue to lose weight or maintain weight you lost in the long term, "Dorothy said Van Buren, a research assistant working in the studio.

The idea is simple. COMPASS advisors gather in groups of obese parents and overweight children once a week for four months and teach them how to lose weight. Therefore, the researchers followed the volunteers for another eight months to see if they can maintain their weight loss.

"Children who have a parent who has managed to maintain their weight loss and more likely to be losers in the weight of responsible long-term success, and what parents really want to focus on how to change their behavior," said Van Buren.

The way in which volunteers are taught the compass to lose weight is not revolutionary. Above all, he is learning to eat sensibly and exercise more.

For Teresa and Trevor, which means going for a walk and shopping at farmers markets for more fruit and vegetables in your diet. But what scientists hope to learn is that certain types of weight maintenance plan that works for the particular type of family, because obesity is often a family affair.

University of Washington is looking for volunteers for the next part of the study. To qualify, the child must be between seven and 11 years and at least 20 percent over their ideal weight.

